Dienstag, Februar 08, 2005

canadaeast.com: Supporters of Holocaust-denier Zundel protest outside LA Canadian consulate

Supporters of German Holocaust-denier Ernst Zundel protested Friday outside the Canadian consulate, demanding his release from a Toronto jail. Sponsored by an organization called the Institute for Historical Review, demonstrators held signs with Zundel's picture and others that read Shame on Canada. Flanked by Zundel's wife, organization director Mark Weber handed over a letter to a consulate representative, asking for his release. (...) Zundel, 65, faces prosecution in Germany for his neo-Nazi and Holocaust-denying activities. Since the late 1970s he has operated Samisdat Publishing, one of the leading distributors of Nazi propaganda and since 1995 been a key content-provider for a website dedicated to Holocaust denial, the Anti-Defamation League has said.

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