Donnerstag, Juni 17, 2004

The Associates of Herr Zundel

Ernst Zundel is a German-born Nazi, Holocaust denier, and anti-Semite who makes his living selling Nazi military paraphernalia. Ernst Zundel is a German-born Nazi, Holocaust denier, and anti-Semite. He makes his living by selling Nazi military paraphernalia. He moved to Canada from Germany when he was 19. In 1978, a Canadian Broadcasting Company journalist revealed that -- using his middle names -- Christof Friedrich, Zundel had become Canada's leading pro-Nazi and Holocaust-denial propagandist. Once exposed, Zundel continued his efforts under his conventional name. The principal outlet for Zundel's early activities was his Toronto-based company, Samisdat Publishers, Ltd., which produced Zundel originals (like The Hitler We Loved and Why) and Holocaust-denial 'classics' (including The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, by Arthur Butz; A Straight Look at the Third Reich and The Six Million Swindle, by Austin App; and Auschwitz, Dachau, Buchenwald: The Greatest Fraud in History, by Richard Harwood). He also produces books and articles with other anti-Jewish libels. He is also a white supremacist. For his full bio visit the Anti-Defamation League; some of the material below is taken from that site.

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