Donnerstag, Mai 12, 2005

London Free Press: News Section - 'Biggest hater' spotlighted

Anti-racism groups call for action against London white supremacist Tomasz Winnicki. Fed up with two years of inaction, Canada's leading anti-racism groups and anti-hate fighters have called on London and the province to stop "the biggest hater in town." Seven groups and two individual activists sent letters yesterday to officials in London and Queen's Park demanding a halt to the Internet activities of London white supremacist Tomasz Winnicki. "We are at a loss to understand how it is that Mr. Winnicki continues to be able to poison our communities with his vitriol," the letter states. Winnicki proudly calls himself "the biggest hater in town." In profanity-laced messages online, he has warned Jews, "We're coming for you," told blacks and East Indians to get out of Canada and said a white woman who was killed by a black man got what she had coming for betraying her race.

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