Dienstag, September 27, 2005

Two policemen punished over neo-Nazi concert

Two members of the south Bohemian police have been punished over the bad police steps at the concert of neo-Nazi groups in Krtetice, south Bohemia, on September 17, Police President Vladislav Husak said. The deputy head of the regional police administration, Jan Bouchal, as well as the deputy head of the district police administration in Strakonice, south Bohemia, Vojtech Chum, will have their rank lowered for one year, Husak said. (...) He criticised the two officers for having deployed a low number of police, bad assessment of available information and lack of action when participants gave the Nazi salute. Moreover, Husak said he dislikes that the police did not communicate with the media and the activists present who tried to hand them evidence on alleged offences done by the extremists. siehe auch: Two police officials punished over neo-Nazi concert. Two police officials have been punished over actions at a concert of neo-Nazi groups in Krtetice, South Bohemia, earlier this month, Police President Vladislav Husak told CTK yesterday

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