Montag, April 18, 2005

Scoop: National Front Cannot Deny Nazi Links Anymore

Anti-racist activists say that a concert in Wellington on Saturday night, dubbed a "white power" event by its organisers, dismisses claims by the National Front that they are merely patriotic, and not fascist. The concert was organised under the mantle of "Blood and Honour", an international nazi skinhead organisation that started in the United Kingdom. The Wellington-based Blood and Honour organisers of the concert have been involved in a number of National Front demonstrations in Wellington over the past year. Information about the concert was leaked from a members-only internet forum, where National Front members from around New Zealand expressed interest in attending. The information was passed on to local affiliates of an anti-racist group called "Fight Dem Back", which is based in Australia. The concert featured an Australian Blood and Honour band called "Death's Head". The name "Blood and Honour" comes from a slogan engraved onto knives made for Hitler Youth members under the Nazi dictatorship. Group spokesman Robert Trigan said "The National Front has repeatedly denied it is racist or nazi, but a number of photographs were leaked from a National Front members-only forum last year showing otherwise. The photographs show people, many of them National Front leaders and members, wearing t-shirts with nazi logos, performing nazi salutes or posing with nazi flags".

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