Donnerstag, Mai 27, 2004

The Daytona Beach News-Journal: Homegrown radical extreme Digging at America's constitutional underpinnings

The America the founders conceived is under vicious attack, not from Islamic fundamentalists, but from within. And not from liberals, those most frequently suspected advocates for societal change, nor from mainstream partisans whose ideological differences create the healthy friction that forges democracy's evolving response to public need. Right-wing extremists mounted this assault and, if they wrest control of the current majority party's agenda -- they expropriated the White House four years ago -- the liberties now assured for all Americans will be circumscribed by whim. Barely a month ago a dozen men, all members of the U.S. House of Representatives, introduced legislation to give Congress the power to reverse decisions of the Supreme Court. Not that even they expect such nonsense to reach the floor for a vote, but their message is plain enough: Courts that don't underwrite their ultra-conservative, religious fundamentalist dogma must be silenced, even at the cost of a republic. It is strange irony that conservatives, those paragons of constancy, would become the purveyors of such upheaval. And yet, in their passion to preserve the traditions and values of their peculiar heritages, they attempt to wrap all their countrymen in the same homespun. They're oblivious to the possibility that cloth cut to size for one man may not fit another.

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