Dienstag, November 22, 2005

WCBSTV.com: Your Source For New York News, Weather, Sports & Traffic: Neo-Nazi Twins Are Double Threat To Some

On the website for Prussian Blue, featuring lead singers Lynx and Lamb Gaede, you'll find 13 year old twins from Southern California wearing t-shirts emblazened with smiley Hitler faces. They're often quoted as saying the holocaust wasn't as a big deal as it is made out to be. Some of their song lyrics bemoan what a tough time whites are having these days. On the sidewalk outside the Time Life building in Manhattan we found State Assemblyman Dov Hikind who had assembled a rainbow coalition of state and city legislators, some holocaust survivors, and a Muslim Pakistan community leader, all there to decry Teen People Magazine's plan to include the blond, blue-eyed twins in a February article on race and racism. Hikind called the girls and their parents Neo Nazis and demanded that the magizine reconsider it's plan to feature the Gaede girls. For its part, Teen-People said in a statement, "In the fight against racism, thorough reporting is one of the most effectrive ways to educate readers and combat hate." We did note that Teen-People's web promotional copy for the article described the girls in tamer terms, having a message of "white pride", than the t-shirts with the smiley Hitler faces would imply. siehe auch: I've got the blues. Preteen white nationalists sing to breed hatred, „Arier erwacht“. Zwei 13-jährige Amerikanerinnen geben der Nazi-Propaganda ein neues Gesicht. Die Neonazis in den USA versuchen mit der Band „Prussian Blue“ der Zwillinge Lamb und Lynx Gaede ein neues Image aufzubauen und verstärkt Jugendliche zu rekrutieren. Das Alter der Mädchen sei perfekt, um sich auf eine „starke rassistische Persönlichkeit“ vorzubereiten, sagte Erich Gliebe, Manager der Plattenfirma Resistance Records und Vorsitzender der rechtsextremen National Alliance (NA). Die Musik der Zwillinge soll als „Einstiegs-Droge“ für spätere „härtere Kost“, wie Musik der Band Max Resists, fungieren. Auch der ehemalige KuKluxKlan-Chef und Präsidentschafts-Kandidat David Duke bediente sich in seinem Wahlkampf der singenden Mädchen

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